Dental Bridges Near You

When you are missing teeth, a dental bridge can help you preserve the natural shape of your face. When you lose teeth and do not replace them, your appearance is directly affected. Your lips will begin to appear thinner, flatter and your chin will protrude forward, appearing pointed.

dental bridges in Yellowknife

However, the negative effects don’t just stop there. An absent tooth is a serious matter. Your teeth are designed to work together, which means if you lose one, the adjacent teeth may begin to tilt or drift into the empty space. Additionally, your teeth in the opposite jaw may also begin to shift up or down into the space. This can affect your bite, place more stress on your teeth and jaw joint, and potentially cause pain and damage. Once the teeth have tipped or drifted, they are also much harder to clean, which heightens your risk of tooth decay along with gum disease.

Dental bridges in Yellowknife, have been an integral part of modern dentistry for decades. A dental bridge is comprised of two or several custom-made for the abutment teeth on the sides of the gap and an artificial tooth/teeth in between called pontics.

dental bridges near you

The Procedure for Dental Bridges

Obtaining a fixed dental bridge near you typically will require more than one clinic visit. During your first visit, impressions of your teeth will be taken and sent to a dental laboratory to fabricate your bridge. You will be given a temporary bridge to protect your teeth while your permanent bridge is being prepared. After your permanent bridge has been created, your dentist will make adjustments and assess the fit before permanently placing your bridge.

We offer dental bridges in Yellowknife, NWT X1A 2P9. Schedule your appointment today!