7 Causes of Toothaches and How to Treat Them

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7 causes of toothaches and how to treat them

When a toothache persists, eating, speaking, and more activities become challenging. Therefore, knowing the causes of toothaches and how to treat them is essential in maintaining the health of your teeth. Here are seven causes of toothache and the adequate way to treat them. 

Understanding these causes and treatments will help you to manage tooth pain effectively. For personalized advice and treatment, consult a dentist near you to address your dental concerns and find relief from your toothache.

1. Cavities

These bacteria ingest sugar from your food and make acid that deteriorates your teeth.

Cavities are small holes in your teeth caused by bacteria. These microorganisms convert sugar from food into acid that impacts the teeth.


Sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks

Pain on biting

Visible holes or pits in your teeth


Fillings: Your dentist will remove the rotten part of the tooth and fill it with special material.

Fluoride treatments: These help to redevelop the tooth’s enamel and prevent further decay if the cavity is in its early stages.


Brush your teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste.

Floss daily to remove food particles between your teeth.

Avoid sweetened snack and drink consumption as it can lead to cavity formation.

2. Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, happens when plaque builds up around and under the gum line. This is usually caused by plaque and can lead to tooth loss if not treated.


Red, swollen, or bleeding gums

Bad breath

Loose teeth


Professional cleaning: Your dentist will remove plaque and tartar from your teeth.

Scaling and root planing: This involves the elimination of bacteria from your gums.

Medications: It may be necessary to take antibiotics to manage infection.

3. Tooth Abscess

Pus accumulation from a bacterial infection is called a tooth abscess. It could happen due to a cavity or a tooth break that allows bacteria to enter the pulp of the tooth.

A dentist needs to treat an abscessed tooth to prevent it from getting severe. They drain the pus and clean the area around the tooth. In some cases where the tooth is damaged, it may require root canal treatment, which involves the removal of the infected pulp. 

Occasionally, the infected tooth might need to be extracted to prevent further complications. A dentist might prescribe antibiotics to combat the infection effectively.

4. Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity occurs when the enamel (which protects the teeth) wears away and exposes the sensitive parts of the tooth. This can affect your teeth when you drink or eat cold or hot food.

For tooth sensitivity, use desensitizing toothpaste and avoid hot or cold foods and beverages. Your dentist might recommend a fluoride treatment to strengthen your enamel or a filling to cover the exposed areas.

5. Teeth Grinding

Some people clench or grind their teeth mostly when they are sleeping. This wears away your teeth, leading to pain, sensitivity, loose teeth, and more. Stress, anxiety, or misaligned teeth can lead to teeth grinding.


Light headache or sore jaw upon waking

Tooth sensitivity

Flattened or chipped teeth


Mouthguard: These appliances are worn at night to protect your teeth from grinding.

Stress management: Stress management techniques include exercise and meditation.

Dental correction: Your dentist can align your teeth properly.

6. Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to come in, usually in your late teens or early twenties. Sometimes there isn’t enough space for them in your mouth, and they get stuck, or impacted, in your bone and gum. Impacted wisdom teeth are one of the common causes of toothaches, swelling, and infection if they remain trapped.

The right way to treat impacted wisdom teeth is usually extraction by a dentist. After surgery, take some rest and follow your dentist’s instructions to help your mouth heal quickly.

7. Cracked or Chipped Teeth

Teeth can crack or chip from biting down on something hard, being hit in the mouth, or grinding your teeth. A cracked or chipped tooth may hurt a lot, especially when chewing.

Depending on the extent of the damage, your dentist may restore a cracked or chipped tooth with a filling, a crown, or a root canal if the crack is deep. If the tooth is too damaged, it might need to be extracted to prevent further complications.

Contact Somba Ké Family Dental Today!

Several factors might cause toothaches, and dentists with the right approach can treat them. Understanding how to treat toothaches is crucial for effective relief. If you are having a toothache, do not ignore it. Arrange an appointment with a dentist to detect the issue and fix it. Additionally, practicing good oral habits helps to keep your teeth and gums healthy. 

Somba Ké Family Dental is a well-established clinic and has a team of experienced dentist in Yellowknife who offer a wide range of services. From simple cleaning to complex procedures, we offer effective dental services that meet your needs. We offer quality dental care to patients of all ages with a pocket-friendly treatment plan. If you are experiencing toothache or other dental issues, schedule an appointment at our clinic to relieve the pain by getting the right treatment.