What is the Most Common Age for Root Canal Therapy?

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what is the most common age for root canal therapy

From a young age, everyone is told about the importance of maintaining an excellent oral hygiene routine. This means brushing your teeth every morning and evening and flossing your teeth at least once a day. It also means visiting your dentist in Yellowknife at least once every six months for a professional dental cleaning and checkup. Sometimes, even with all of these efforts in place, tooth decay and infection can still occur. In severe cases, the only way to cure an infected tooth is through root canal treatment near you. In this blog post, our team at Somba Ké Dentistry discusses the most common age for root canal therapy and how to prevent the need for this procedure altogether.

What is the Typical Age for Root Canal Treatment?

There is no specific age for root canal treatment. If any individual is experiencing a severe tooth infection, they may require root canal therapy in Yellowknife. However, it is more likely for an individual to require root canal therapy between the ages of 12 to 65.

The reason for this is believed to be a combination of diet and oral hygiene routines. Additionally, as we age, we begin to go through various dental treatments, and if we have many restorations, we may become more prone to tooth infections and worn teeth.

How Can One Prevent the Need for Root Canal Treatment?

As mentioned above, the best way to prevent getting a root canal is to stick to your oral hygiene routine and visit a dentist near you regularly. You should also do your best to maintain a well-balanced diet. If you notice any swelling or discomfort in your mouth, visit a dentist as soon as possible. The earlier you seek treatment for oral health issues, the better your chances of saving or reversing that condition before requiring root canal treatment. Unfortunately, sometimes an infected tooth does not show any symptoms, and in these cases, root canal treatment may be unavoidable.

How Can Diet Impact Your Oral Health?

As mentioned above, having a well-balanced diet is crucial to maintaining excellent oral health. Our diets are so important because food is what nourishes our bodies and keeps our energy levels up. Consuming a low-sugar diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables will help maintain your oral health and lower the possibility of tooth infection. Additionally, it would help if you tried to avoid hard and sticky substances as much as possible, as these can wear down your teeth and make you more susceptible to infection.

How Are Root Canals Performed?

If you do require a root canal, try not to panic. Root canals are common, and thanks to today’s technology, painless procedures. Your dentist will begin by numbing the affected tooth and the surrounding area so that you don’t feel any pain. They will then drill a hole into the tooth and remove the infected or damaged pulp. Finally, they will disinfect and reshape the canal before filling and sealing the tooth. Sometimes, they may also place a dental crown over the tooth to ensure that it remains strong and protected.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to root canal treatment, there is no single age requirement for the procedure, but you are more likely to need a root canal in your thirties and forties. You can do many things at home to maintain optimal oral health, such as maintaining an excellent oral hygiene routine and a well-balanced diet. If you do need a root canal, you can rest assured that the procedure will be painless and quick.